Prescription Medication Injuries

Prescription medication injuries can result from a number of prescribed drugs. Although the FDA must approve every prescription medication before it can be used by the public, FDA approval does not guarantee that a medication is safe for its intended use.

The word medication means cure or remedy. Although intended to cure or treat, each medication comes with potential side effects. Common side effects are usually minor, but with certain medications, the side effects can be life-changing or even cause death. The companies that make and distribute these medications therefore have a duty to warn doctors about the risks associated with the medicines they market.

Tragically, many people suffer severe side effects, and some have died, from using prescription medication as intended because drug manufacturers failed to warn about the risks and side effects associated with medications they put on the market.

Cases involving prescription medications are complicated, time-consuming, and expensive. It is important to hire an attorney who knows how to determine the manufacturer’s history of testing the medication in animal and clinical studies, how clearly the medication’s label warns of potential side effects as compared to labeling requirements set forth in FDA regulations, and the reported adverse event history for the medication.

At Riley & Jackson, we have years of experience pursuing litigation related to prescription medication injuries. If you or a loved one has been injured by a prescription medication, please contact us.

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