Experience. Preparation. Results.
Premises Liability
HealthSouth Shareholder Class Action
Liaison Counsel
18-Wheeler Collision
Medical Malpractice
18-Wheeler Collision
BP Oil Spill
Medical Device Defect
Commercial Construction Defect
Medical Malpractice
Pharmacy Negligence
Nursing Home Malpractice
Defective Hip Implants
Residential Construction Defect
Automobile Collision
18-Wheeler Collision
Insurance Procurement
Automobile Collision
18-Wheeler Collision
Medical Malpractice
Motorcycle Collision
Medical Malpractice
Assisted Living Facility Malpractice
Nursing Home Malpractice
Nursing Home Malpractice
Medical Malpractice
Residential Construction Defects
Nursing Home Malpractice
Sexual Harassment
Automobile Collision
Disability Insurance Dispute
Commercial Licensing Dispute
18-Wheeler Collision
18-Wheeler Collision
Airplane Crash
Automobile Collision
Medical Malpractice
Securities Arbitration
Medical Malpractice
Motorcycle Collision
Residential Propane Malfunction
Nursing Home Malpractice
Automobile Collision
Residential Construction Case
Defective Shoulder Implant
Automobile Collision
Nursing Home Malpractice
Medical Malpractice
Products Liability
Riley Jackson Attorneys
We believe that preparation produces results. We prepare each case with the assumption that we are going to trial. Our goal is to be better prepared than our opponents when we go to trial as this increases the value of your case. This approach increases the value of your case and has led to exceptional results for our clients, including several multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements.
We are not a high-volume law practice. Because we invest a great deal of time and resources in each case, we can only take on cases that involve personal injury, civil litigation, and commercial litigation that involve the most serious damages and have the most meritorious claims. We take the time to get to know our clients, and we treat every client as we would want to be treated if we were in their place. If you are looking for the help of an attorney, you’ll want to know what to look for when hiring a lawyer.
We represent individuals and businesses throughout the country.

found the best experts in the country to help in my case
“In 2004, I became paralyzed due to poor medical care that I received. I went to a local lawyer to ask what I could do. The lawyer told me that I needed to call the law firm of Riley & Jackson in Birmingham, Alabama. I am very happy that I did. Rob Riley, Keith Jackson, found the best experts in the country to help in my case. They went to California to find one expert to testify in my case. They did whatever was necessary, and spared no expense, to be sure that I was in the best position to win my case. I can’t thank them enough for all that they did for me. I was able to settle part of my case for $1,000,000.00 before trial and we went to trial against one of my doctors. The jury gave us another $3,250,000.00 at trial. I am very happy that my lawyer told me to hire Riley & Jackson to help me in my case.”
– Tim Aaron
Fort Payne Alabama
Rob and Keith did an excellent job and the jury returned a verdict for me for $525,000.00.
“I had an on-the-job injury that has left me with a permanent foot drop. Most lawyers would think that my injury would just be covered under worker’s comp. A friend of mine told me that I should call Rob Riley and Keith Jackson to look into my case. He had used their firm before in a case that he had. Rob and Keith told me that I should also pursue a case against a third party in addition to my worker’s comp case. They filed a case for me and worked very hard to make sure that I would receive a fair award. When they showed up at trial, they had boxes stacked on top of boxes of work that they had been doing for me. They had over 90 blow ups that helped explain to the jury my injury and how the accident occurred. The Defendant offered a very small, nominal settlement to try to get my lawyers and me to go away. At trial, Rob and Keith did an excellent job and the jury returned a verdict for me for $525,000.00. I am glad my friend told me to contact Rob Riley and Keith Jackson, and I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a lawyer.”
– Wendell Garner
Scottsboro, Alabama
After exhausting all of the options I had available to me
“I started a business in Australia to distribute products in Australia and New Zealand for the treatment of symptoms caused by cystic fibrosis. After I hired a marketing staff and spent a significant amount of money preparing the healthcare market in Australia and New Zealand for the new products I would be offering, the company from whom I had purchased distribution rights refused to ship the products to me. After exhausting all of the options I had available to me, I was put in touch with the attorneys at Riley & Jackson, P.C. to discuss legal options against this company, which was headquartered in Alabama. During the lawsuit, my attorneys learned that the manufacturer of the products I was going to be distributing in Australia and New Zealand had never assigned or sold distribution rights for these countries to the company who had sold me the distribution rights. When the company that manufactured the products did not respond to our efforts to contact them, one of the attorneys at Riley & Jackson, P.C. actually visited the company’s headquarters in Italy to speak with the president of the company.
My legal team tried this case before a jury for several days before the Defendant finally agreed to resolve the litigation. The work done by the attorneys at Riley & Jackson, P.C. saved my business, and I give my highest recommendation of Riley & Jackson, P.C. for anyone looking for attorneys to assist them in their business disputes.”
– Ed van Riet
Sydney, Australia
It was almost midnight on a Friday night
“When my left leg was amputated because of a medical error, the attorneys at Riley & Jackson, P.C. took up my cause and handled my case, which lasted for over five years. It was almost midnight on a Friday night when the jury in my case came back with a verdict for me. Because of that verdict, my husband and I were able to make our home more handicapped accessible for my wheelchair and to buy conveniences that make living as an amputee much easier than it would have been without the work my lawyers did for me. ”
– Vera Booker
Talladega, Alabama
I live in Florida and did not know any attorneys in Alabama.
“When my wife was killed and my daughter was injured in a car wreck, I really had no idea who to hire. I live in Florida and did not know any attorneys in Alabama. The State Trooper who had investigated the collision told me that the driver of an 18-wheeler was at fault, but that the driver had left the scene and was denying that he was involved in a collision.
I hired another attorney before I knew about the attorneys at Riley & Jackson. I waited for almost a year, and very little work had been done on my case. After I decided to find another attorney, I was introduced to the attorneys at Riley & Jackson. Beginning almost on the day that I hired Riley & Jackson, my attorneys began working on my case as if it was their own family member who had been in the collision. The attorneys at Riley & Jackson, P.C. quickly earned my trust and my respect not only for their hard work, but also for the caring and compassionate way they handled my case.”
– Roger Walsh
Tallahassee, Florida
Rob and Keith did a lot more than help me financially.
“When my husband was hospitalized and later passed away because of injuries caused by a car wreck, I had no idea who was going to pay the hospital bills or what I was supposed to do to find out what really happened to cause the wreck. From the first time I met with them, I knew that Rob Riley and Keith Jackson were attorneys I could trust, they cared deeply about the loss I had suffered, and they explained to me everything that was happening and would happen in the case. No recovery could have made my loss feel any better, but Rob and Keith did a lot more than help me financially. The work they did for me was better than I could ever have imagined, but I was most impressed by how much they cared about me and the compassion they showed throughout the case.”
– Eloise Cooper
Birmingham, Alabama
When I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis
“When I was self-employed, I bought an individual disability insurance policy to help provide for my family if I ever became disabled. I paid extra for the policy to have the right to obtain additional disability insurance under the policy, even if I became disabled. When I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I tried to obtain additional disability insurance, which I had paid to have the right to do. The insurance company refused to allow me to get the additional insurance, but it could not show me any language in the policy that gave it the right to deny me the additional insurance. After I tried to resolve the matter with the insurance company and had another lawyer try to resolve it with the insurance company, I hired the attorneys at Riley & Jackson. They filed my case for me and got a ruling from the judge that I was entitled to obtain the additional insurance. After the judge ruled in my favor, we were able to settle the case.
Working with the attorneys at Riley & Jackson was a very pleasant and productive process. Unlike other attorneys I met with before selecting Riley & Jackson, Rob and Keith were quick to understand the issues involved and quick to move forward. Because of the work done by the attorneys at Riley & Jackson, the settlement was much better than I originally hoped for. As a disabled father with two kids in college, I can’t thank Rob and Keith enough for the impact this settlement has had on our family. I strongly recommend Riley & Jackson for anyone looking for attorneys to assist them with any legal matter.”
– David Lancaster
Birmingham, Alabama
Within weeks after he was served, his insurance company settled my claim
“I was involved in a serious automobile collision while working in Georgia. I later met with the attorneys at Riley & Jackson after I had back surgery. I had no idea at the time that my claim would involve a defendant who would try very hard to avoid being served with a lawsuit and complex legal issues over which state’s law, Alabama or Georgia, would apply to my claim against my own underinsured motorist carrier.
My attorneys stayed committed to pursuing my case even after an investigator in Georgia, where the other driver lived, was not able to get the other driver served with a lawsuit. Over one year after the lawsuit was filed, my attorneys found the defendant hiding behind a wall at a flea market in Georgia and served him with the lawsuit. Within weeks after he was served, his insurance company settled my claim.
My attorneys then handled my case against my own insurance company for underinsured motorist benefits because the other driver did not have enough insurance. My insurance company made several different arguments about which state’s law should apply, and the value of my claim depended on whether Georgia or Alabama law applied to the claim. I am a law student, and I was extremely impressed with how thorough and prepared my attorneys were to argue these complicated legal issues. Every time the insurance company brought a new argument to the court, my attorneys won the issue. The day before we were to begin the trial, after the insurance company had lost the argument over which state’s law should apply four times, my insurance company finally settled my case.
As a law student struggling to finish my education while working to support my family, the settlements my attorneys were able to get had a huge impact on my family and me. I could not give a higher recommendation to anyone looking to hire an attorney than what I give for the attorneys at Riley & Jackson.”
– Brandon Cooper
Birmingham, Alabama