
What is Abilify?

Abilify is prescribed for certain mood disorders such as bipolar disorder, depression, and schizophrenia as well as Tourette’s disorder and other mental disorders. Otsuka Pharmaceutical and Bristol-Myers-Squibb tout the drug as able to improve concentration and reduce hallucinations.

Why are Abilify Lawsuits Being Filed?

Hundreds of lawsuits allege that Abilify is negligently designed and that the manufacturers concealed evidence that Abilify increases the risk of a patient engaging in uncontrollable compulsive behavior such as gambling and extramarital sex. Lawsuits also allege that the manufacturers failed to test the drug properly, exaggerated its benefits, and promoted the drug for “off-label” uses not approved by the FDA.

Do I Have an Abilify Case?

The pharmaceutical attorneys at Riley & Jackson are reviewing and filing Abilify cases in which a patient with no prior gambling addiction took Abilify, began compulsive gambling, and lost at least $30,000 from the compulsive gambling. If you or a loved one took Abilify and suffered financial loss from compulsive gambling, please contact us to discuss how we can help at no risk to you.

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